jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Places to go in Buenos Aires

There are plenty of places to visit in Buenos Aires, while a weekend seems not enough. From a tour of their different but identifying neighborhoods to an afternoon of shopping on Avenida Alvear flirtatious and a tour of the impressive Recoleta Cemetery are some of the plans that we expect there.

Want a guide to what to visit in the capital of Argentina? Below is a list of places to visit in Buenos Aires to help you organize your visit to this great city.
Take a tour of the different neighborhoods. Buenos Aires is a big city with distinct neighborhoods, each with distinct characteristics. You have the color and the joy of La Boca, where you can not miss a walk along Calle Caminito, the distinguished Recoleta, an elegant modern Puerto Madero and Palermo, filled with shops, pubs, restaurants, theaters and cafes: the downtown, where they found almost all the entertainment, hospitality and entertainment and the famous obelisk on Avenida 9 July.
The Teatro Colon. This is a classic and famous opera house, the second largest in the southern hemisphere, only surpassed by the Sydney Opera House in Australia. In addition, houses an Art Institute which have formed the most distinguished artists of Argentina.
Walk the Recoleta Cemetery. One of the most visited cemeteries in the world is the Recoleta, in Buenos Aires. There are the tombs of historical figures of the country as President Perón and Evita. In addition, it is highly distinguished by its architecture and sculptures. We've already talked about it, here.
Visit the Plaza de Mayo. In front of the Casa Rosada, which is the seat of executive power, and the Cathedral, the square is one of the most important city. Has been the scene of many political rallies and protests, including the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. This is a gathering of mothers who have lost loved ones during the military dictatorship in the late 70's.
Visit the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires. Better known as Malba, it is a private museum with an impressive collection of Latin American works. In addition, there are temporary exhibitions and activities for children.
Go shopping. Buenos Aires is a city of shopping. From Florida Street to Avenida Alvear, the downtown, you find the best fashion houses to buy.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

The Spanish prefer Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is among the 25 cities preferred by the Spanish, according to travel search engine Skyscanner.
Skyscanner is internationally among the leading European travel search engine for its power and flexibility. Lets compare current.

The trip marked tendency to Buenos Aires and New York are the most required in non-European destinations, Buenos Aires is in the post 19 and New York in 22.Una explanation is how the City developed a good positioning strategy in Europe and especially in Spain, the organization of the Rally 2010 received a lot of influx of tourists from around the world, it will again in January 2011, the tango world, and numerous other cultural activities, gastonomicas, etc.
Spain accounts for the City of Buenos Aires the first emissive European market and that despite the economic difficulties Spanish shows how our city is becoming more attractive for travelers who decide to choose faraway destinations.